

The definition of the FAQ's is purely informative. It is a guide to help you find your way in the world of Gliszen.com. Their contents do not cover the entirety of the Gliszen.com rules for joining the platform and reflect only excerpts of what is required to successfully cooperate with the company. It is therefore mandatory to study the applicable and binding documents, which you will find in part , if you wish to enter into a business relationship with the organization. Questions not answered by the content should be addressed to the Gliszen.com support team at support@gliszen.com.

• Manufacturing partner? The main criterion to become a cooperating manufacturer is the fact that the co-operator is de facto a manufacturing company and can provide proof of this. To keep the supply chain as lean as possible for the benefit of the customer, distributors representing the interests of various companies are excluded.

• Cooperating distributer? To become a cooperating distributor is quite simple. It is only necessary to verify that the co-operator has a legally registered main / secondary business. Even if Gliszen.com checks the relevant documents in accordance with this, only a quantitative check can take place, i.e., whether the documents are available. Gliszen.com is not able to verify the quality of the documents, i.e., whether the documents are valid and whether the business is legally registered with the relevant authorities. The company is not in the position, and does not consider itself obliged, to check the documents for legality. Complaints from the legal authorities will be forwarded to the distributor. If it turns out that the documents are faked or not valid, Gliszen.com will cooperate with local authorities to clarify the facts.

• Cooperating shipper? The fulfillment of the proof that the co-operator is a legally registered company also applies to cooperating logistics and shipping companies. Furthermore, the provision of an interface (API) for connection to our system is advantageous. Providing an API interface is not a must, but it would support the automated process that Gliszen.com provides, and complementarily facilitate the order fulfillment requirements for the co-operator. There is the possibility of manual linking on the platform, but this would involve more work for the co-operator.

• Manufacturing partner? Register as a basic member and benefit from a sophisticated sales network with currently over 100 distributors worldwide. Enjoy the benefits your manufacturer dashboard brings to you, such as a smart instant message system, an easy way to place products, meaningful statistics and reports. Boost your business and upgrade to a Premium or a VIP member and enjoy the privilege of receiving advanced RFQ's, benefit from the event module, get your social media posting module activated, receive a customized google advertising integration, and so on and so on. The limits of customer-specific marketing are endless, so join in now!

• Cooperating distributer? You, as a cooperating distributor, get the pleasure to run your own online store with your own URL. From the entire product portfolio, you can then select and post on the site the products that you think you can best market in your region. For every sale you make, you will receive a lucrative revenue share. With the help of the distributor dashboard, you have a wide range of features at your disposal. Gliszen.com's automated process allows you to focus on distribution and sales while we handle the processing in the background. We provide you with the ability to link to your social networks to further drive your sales. Join us and benefit from the wide range of products offered by more than 100 cooperating manufacturers.

• Cooperating shipper? For you as a cooperating logistics and shipping company there is the possibility to increase your own turnover as a Gliszen.com partner by generating orders and order fulfilments on the portal. Via your shipper dashboard you have the possibility to communicate with the responsible counterparts according to the individual orders. This and many other features are waiting for you on your shipper dashboard. Let your level of service speak for itself and generate more high-caliber business-customers through a high standard of performance quality.

• Manufacturing partner? There are three levels of membership for cooperating manufacturers, which are priced differently according to their service.
➢ Basic membership – the lowest level of membership This free type of membership allows interested cooperation partners to sign up and place their products on the portal. Except for the possibilities for internal communication, other minor features on the manufacturer dashboard and the possibility to participate in the constant growth of the website, this module offers no extras.
➢ Premium membership – second level of membership This membership attracts many cooperation partners, because Gliszen.com offers many additional services, such as additional store template modules, customer analysis modules, visitor marketing modules, inquiry and RFQ modules, social media and bulk email modules and much more. The annual membership costs only 3999 Chinese Yuan.
➢ VIP membership – highest level of membership The VIP membership includes the advanced features of the Premium membership, but at a higher level. For example, an extended bulk email module is available to the VIP member, the discount and coupon module is more diverse, as are the inquiry and RFQ module. In addition, the VIP operator benefits from customized marketing, including intensive social media integration on the part of Gliszen.com, and enjoys Google advertising integration. The annual membership costs only 6999 Chinese Yuan. An investment worth making.

• Cooperating distributer? For sales partners, the provision of an online store is free of charge. Instead of charging a flat fee, Gliszen.com works fairly from its point of view by claiming a revenue share. So, you will only be charged if you generate sales. Gliszen.com calculates a revenue margin of 35% for the B2C sector, of which 25% goes to the distributors. The difference is intended to ensure that the costs of maintenance and upkeep of the website and its online stores can be guaranteed, that the marketing area, which is so important for all parties, can be further advanced, that in the event of technical difficulties the additional work and the resulting costs of our IT team can be covered, that the wide range of payment methods is guaranteed and can always be further adapted to regional needs, and that the fees incurred for each transaction can be covered. Gliszen.com offers the following compensation models to its distribution partners:
➢ Become a sales representative and receive 20% on all your sales.
➢ Become a regional sales manager and receive in addition to the 20% revenue share of your own store another 5% of the revenue of your sales team for the supervision of your sales staff in your region and for other representative and administrative activities for Gliszen.com on site.

• Cooperating shipper? Cooperating shippers act as service providers and are effectively part of the extended administrative staff, as their services help to generate a smooth flow through the entire chain. In return, Gliszen.com does not charge them any fees for participating in the business.

• Manufacturing partner As a manufacturing partner, you will receive payment immediately after an order is confirmed. The dynamics of the automated process guarantees you 100% payment before shipment. But keep in mind that customers have their rights, and even if Gliszen.com is willing to prevent returns, complaints and similar incidents, it is not always possible to avoid it. So, remember that refunds are unavoidable in terms of customer rights in hopefully not too many cases, and make sure you act accordingly.

• Cooperating distributer? Unfortunately, we do not have the ability to pay you immediately or address your individual pay-out requirements. On the one hand, it is currently impossible to meet all the wishes of the large number of sales representatives and sales managers, on the other hand, the customer enjoys the right of a two-week withdrawal period from the date of receipt of the goods, within which he can withdraw from the sale without giving any reason. Thus, the earliest possible date for payment would be the 15th day from successful delivery of the goods to the customer. Gliszen.com will therefore withhold the commissions for the time being in order to save costs and fees for unnecessary money transfers in everyone's interest. The pay-out logic is therefore as follows: Payment will be made once a month, at the end of the month, and then only the commissions that fall on sales whose withdrawal period has expired.

• Cooperating shipper? The same regulation shall be applied to cooperating shippers as it is applied to cooperating manufacturers. Since the delivery of a product is also part of a product itself, it is also valid here that the customer can complain about underperformance, and he is entitled to a 14-day right of withdrawal, also considering the logistic delivery performance.

Gliszen.com works closely with various influencers and is ready to intensify and expand its cooperation with them.

Through a mutually agreeable win-win situation, all parties united on the platform benefit from this constellation.

Influencers are booked as models for local fashion shows, they receive items that they are allowed to use and keep, but on the premise that they record the use / the wearing of the items photographically or per video and publish them on their social media as well as on those of Gliszen.com.

Last but not least, each influencer is free to professionalize the whole thing and actively set up a distributor account and link it to their own social networks.

This would be a double-win situation, because in addition to the free articles and participation in the aforementioned fashion shows, a regular monthly income can be generated.

Then apply with us at influencer@gliszen.com. Ideally, we will create a model index card of you and include you in our database, which we will regularly present to fashion manufacturers.

• For customer
If you are end consumer the General Terms and Conditions for End Consumers_EN are binding for you.

• If you are a business customer the General Terms and Conditions for Commercial Customers_EN are binding for you.

• For manufacturing partner
If you are interested in becoming a manufacturing partner then the General Terms and Conditions for Manufacturer_EN are binding for you. In addition, you must also observe and comply with the terms and conditions of the above-mentioned General Terms and Conditions for B2B and B2C customers.

• For cooperating distributer
If you are a distributor, then the General Terms and Conditions for Distributors_EN is binding for you. And you are also obliged to comply with the requirements for customers, whether they are business customers or end consumers.

• For cooperating shipper
For interested shippers the General Terms and Conditions for Shipper_EN is authoritative, and also you have to accept and respect the rights of customers in the respective conditions.

• For cooperating influencers
All Influencers who wish to work with us must understand the Gliszen Code of Conduct (GCC)_EN, which is based on tolerance and humanity. In particular, those who influence the opinions of others have a special responsibility to set a positive example when it comes to aspects of morality, ethics, respect, and careful and humanitarian treatment of one another.

• Important:
➢ All participants are expected to comply with the Gliszen Code of Conduct.
➢ Although there are several linguistic versions of the General Terms and Conditions, the English version is the legally binding one. The translations are only meant to help you find your way through the complexity.

• Customers
• Distributors
• Shippers
• Manufacturers
• To be continued as soon as the dashboards are fixed!!!

As a manufacturer, you have the option of uploading products and updating the inventory of your products at any time.
There are sections in the manufacturer's dashboard for both purposes.
One of them is the “Upload product” section itself, in which you can insert images and videos and also enter the product details.
Remember, the more information you provide to the clientele, the more likely they are to be attracted, and the more likely they are to keep it once they have it.
Especially with the sizes it is necessary to be as precise as possible.

After you've uploaded the product, there is a second section called "Inventory Update".
Here you can select the model number you want to update and simply add the amount you have extra or cancel the product if you run out of stock.

Please remember that your product image is your business card on a global stage.
Therefore, make sure that your products are displayed appropriately in order to attract and generate a large number of customers.
The size of the files should not exceed e.g. 5MB, and videos should not be larger than e.g. 10MB.
We recommend the following formats jpg,png,mp4.
Our IT team will be happy to advise you on this.
Just send an email to it@gliszen.com.

Manufacturers are requested to specify the standards they can meet in the product description when listing a product.
In this regard, Gliszen.com grants them the option to do so.

This information is visible to the distributor when submitting the product.
In this way, he can be selective and take over only the products that match the regional requirements of his catchment area.

For customers this information is defined in the product description.

In case of doubt, Gliszen.com supports its customers and partners in the verification process and is available to answer further questions accordingly at regulatory@gliszen.com.

However, since the company cannot make any legally binding statements, it is strongly recommended to obtain the information from the local authorities.

In addition to using Gliszen.com's various supporting email addresses, the company also offers its partners and customers the option to use our internal chat system which you find on your individual dashboard to leave an instant message.
Depending on your status and access permission, you will here have the opportunity to communicate with different parties about ongoing processes and orders, products and various other topics.
Regardless of your status and access rights, you will always have the opportunity to talk to the Gliszen.com core team here, who in return will be there to support you in any case.

The philosophy behind Gliszen.com's structure is to simplify a complex process by creating a process flow that strictly follows procedures.
In this sense, the company has also implemented the communication channels.
This means that customers can talk to distributors and the Gliszen.com core team, who in turn can talk to shippers, who in turn can seek dialogue with the various manufacturers to find solutions to the various requirements that may arise during a process.
"Many cooks spoil the broth"-, a saying that is often true.
For this reason, Gliszen.com defines clear areas of responsibility and corresponding communication channels to avoid a hullabaloo in communication.

When you visit the dashboard area in your account, there are different types of settings that you can insert and change.
There you also have the option to upload documents according to your settings.Once you have set up your data, it will be stored until you delete your account.
As soon as you change these settings, you will receive an email that you have adjusted them.
This is for the purpose of ensuring that it really was you who made the changes.
This applies to any form of account, and also applies to customer accounts.

You as a distributor can generate any type of customer, and the same is true for the manufacturers themselves.
But we need to differentiate.
While the process flow itself is designed to serve end users (B2C), the requirements for closing a B2C transaction are different.
Even though we are already working at full speed to meet these requirements in a timely manner, they are not currently covered by the Gliszen.com automation.
Therefore, B2B transactions are handled by request and offer in PDF format.

The portal's current pricing structures and delivery methods are geared towards B2C customers.
That means they focus on processing orders of a few products and delivering them to the end customer in a package by post or a similar method.
Business customers are invited to create a profile on the website, similar to that of B2C customers.
They then select the products of their choice in the distributor's store or on Gliszen.com itself and send their meaningful inquiry via the internal chat system to one of the above-mentioned contacts or by mail to commercial@gliszen.com.
The analogous use of the Gliszen invoice and order form B2B is a helpful tool that we provide to the interested parties to specify their requests.

After processing the requirements, we will then send back a proforma invoice in return with corresponding prices and the other relevant modalities depending on the item and quantity.

In both the B2B and B2C sectors, shipping takes place from the port closest to the executing logistics company.
The shipping methods vary and are associated with different costs and delivery dates.
The latter is especially true for B2B business. In any case, the choice of the variant is the responsibility of the customer.
Gliszen.com and its partners cannot guarantee an exact delivery date, as regional subcontractors, among others, are involved in the execution of the order and their performance cannot be guaranteed.
Therefore, all information is provided in the form of time periods.
Methods for B2B business are individually negotiated and bindingly agreed.

The B2C business is an automated process.
From the countless offers on the part of our cooperating shipper, the customer chooses the shipping method that seems the most ideal in terms of the offer.
In order to successfully complete the order, it is necessary for the customer to provide the delivery address truthfully and conscientiously in his profile.
In addition, it is mandatory for the customer to ensure that the goods can be delivered.
Any additional expenses for Gliszen.com, which can be traced back to misconduct of the customer, will be at the expense of the customer and, if applicable, his distributor.
Complaints that can be attributed to a misconduct of the customer and / or his distributor will be rejected.

Gliszen.com and its partners always strive to supply their customers promptly and properly.
This is not always possible, as regional import taxes and customs duties apply above a certain value of goods.
Please inform yourself about the duty-free limit in your country and the value of goods above which duties are levied.
As this varies from country to country, the organization and its partners cannot always guarantee to take this into account.
In addition, it is our responsibility to inform our distributors and their customers that products may not be legally imported into your region due to product safety and product compliance regulations.
To avoid complications related to the above, you should consult local authorities before placing any order, and only order goods that are compliant with the regional requirements of your country according to the product description.

This applies in particular to our B2B customers, who can be held responsible in any case in their role as importers of the goods.

As a distributor, you always act on behalf of Gliszen.com.
So, your self-promotion should represent both our company and its values.
Therefore, the acceptance of our Gliszen Code of Conduct plays an elementary role.

Furthermore, the distributor should always be available to its customers in a timely manner, and when requested provide advice and assistance, both in handling questions regarding an order placement, as well as answering questions regarding the procedures for complaints and returns, but also in connection with questions regarding product safety and conformity, as well as customs clearance.

In case of doubt, the Gliszen.com core team is always pleased to provide advice and assistance, so that you do not have to deal with everything on your own if you cannot.

• Customers
Of course, Gliszen.com also takes every opportunity to promote special celebrations and events.
These are the moments when you, dear customer, can benefit from the excellent offers presented by the company and its partners.
Therefore, follow us here on our website and accordingly on our social networks and be always informed about the latest trends and promotions.

• Cooperating distributer
For any distributors who decide to cooperate with Gliszen.com, it should be said that Gliszen.com has an intensive marketing and advertising strategy.
So, the increasing popularity of the company, equally affects its distributors.
In addition to this, the above-mentioned promotion and advertising campaigns, like for instance Black Fridays or regional fashion shows, will be communicated early, so that all distributors will have the opportunity to participate in them.

• Manufacturing partner
Of course, our cooperating manufacturers will also be informed promptly about the events that Gliszen.com will be planning.
To be precise, they will be informed first, as it also requires a certain lead time for the participating manufacturers to prepare.
And just like the distributors, all our other partners enjoy the benefits of the intensive Gliszen.com promotional initiatives too.
But here and there are some promotional events, such as fashion shows, that require partners to contribute to the costs.
These are events where regional as well as national and international celebrities gather among the guests.
Apart from these events and the corresponding activities, cooperating manufacturers, as already mentioned under the points 3 and 4, also have the possibility to acquire additional customer-specific marketing measures by means of an upgrade.

As a young and ambitious company, we pursue the following goals among others.
• generate growth
• promote growth

All those who run their own additional store or any other kind of business are invited to promote it on our website and vice versa to advertise for us on their own store, as long as the products in question are not in direct competition with those of us and our partners.
Therefore, yes, it is allowed.
Just make sure that it is not in competition with us.
If you are not sure, just contact us at distributor@gliszen.com.

As mentioned in earlier, one of the major aspects of connecting other businesses with Gliszen.com is the awareness that in case other products will be promoted they shall not be in direct competition with those that Gliszen.com and its partners provide.
This also applies to the connection to social media, even if the company is aware that it cannot and is not allowed to take any legal steps to prevent this.
But we are well in the position to terminate the partnership as a result of this if the partners become known, and we are also willing to do so.

In addition, we will review any social media content that does not comply with the Gliszen Code of Conduct as soon as it comes to our attention, and sanction any grossly negligent violations accordingly.
This is especially true for any gender, racial, religious or opinion discrimination.
You can find more information on this in the Gliszen Code of Conduct.

Furthermore, we would like to point out that politics is the responsibility of politicians, and Gliszen.com does not take an official political position, nor do we expect any of our partners to do so.

Gliszen.com believes in equal opportunities for all.
That's why the company tries to eliminate all elements that can lead to overreaching between distributors.
For this reason, we offer all our partners the same dashboards, the same tools and the same prices.
We simply do not want price competition between our partners.
This means that a distributor's diligence and commitment alone should determine whether they are successful or not.

The prices are adjusted so that the distributor can achieve a satisfactory margin and the product still remains attractively priced for the customer.

Exceptions to this rule are B2B transactions, as here the price calculation is always made in relation to the status of the customer and its purchase quantity.

Gliszen.com will never be tempted to undercut the prices of its distributors, simply because it would be morally reprehensible and therefore against the principles of the company, it would create a bad reputation, and last but not least, it would be very damaging to the business.
Therefore, all prices are valid for all store owners and of course for Gliszen.com itself.
On the contrary, the company will always strive to support its partners' business by forwarding customer requests to the Gliszen.com core team to the respective local distributors.
Our ideology is that we generate our own growth only through the growth of our partners.
That is what Gliszen.com stands for.

Every customer is important to us.
That is why we offer the possibility to rate different aspects of our partners' performance, and our own performance.
In addition to the product itself, customers also have the opportunity to rate the delivery performance.
Also, the service, regardless of whether the service was provided by Gliszen.com itself, or was provided by one of our distributors, is the subject of the independent rating.
Manufacturers, distributors and shippers will then receive these ratings through their independent dashboards, and are encouraged to consider them carefully.
Unsatisfactory performance will not be tolerated in the long run, so increased negative ratings will be taken very seriously on our part, and the respective parties will be taken to account.
Gliszen.com itself will evaluate its own ratings on a quarterly basis and derive measures for improvement, and if relevant, communicate them to its clientele.
These reviews take place in the individual product sections that the customer can view.
Accordingly, further customers have the opportunity to refrain from making a purchase if the reviews have left a negative impression.

The organization and its business partners have the philosophy that only satisfied customers can be good customers, therefore customer satisfaction is the very first priority for us and all other interested parties.
Nevertheless, the company is aware that the idea of 100% customer satisfaction is a utopian goal.
However, in order to be able to offer a customer-oriented and good service even in the event of a complaint, the company, for its part, has defined customer-friendly processes for complaints, cancellations and withdrawals.

Following are the forms and email addresses in any events according to this chapter:
• In the event of a cancellation
Send an email to withdrawal@gliszen.com and attach the Gliszen cancellation & withdrawal form to your email.
• In the event of a withdrawal (only for end consumers) Send an email to withdrawal@gliszen.com and attach the Gliszen cancellation & withdrawal form to your email.
• In the event of a product complaint
Send an email to complaint@gliszen.com and attach the Gliszen complaint form to your email.

• In the events of returns and / or replacements
Send an email to return@gliszen.com and attach the Gliszen return & replacement form to your email.

• In the event that questions arise regarding product regulation and conformity Send an email to regulatory@gliszen.com and attach the Gliszen regulatory form to your email.

• If you have any questions concerning our Code of Conduct or the data protection system
Send an email to compliance@gliszen.com and attach the Gliszen compliance form to your email. • In the event that technical questions arise
Send an email to our IT staff at it@gliszen.com.

• For any other concerns write us an email at support@gliszen.com.

Please note:
• The use of the e-mail addresses and the corresponding forms is not legally binding. However, we recommend their use, as these speeds up the processing of individual requests, and this is in the interest of all parties involved.
• Gliszen.com distinguishes between B2B and B2C customers in its procedures. For example, while a 14-day right of withdrawal from receipt of goods applies to end customers in accordance with global trade practices, this right does not apply to business customers.
• Unfortunately, reading this paragraph does not release you from the obligation to comply with the company's terms and conditions, regardless of the nature of your request and the type of clientele to which you belong. By agreeing to be registered and by closing any sale, you agree to be bound by them. We therefore ask you to familiarize yourself with these documents in advance. For this purpose, please visit the section of the

Gliszen.com will always strive to treat any of its partners and customers as friends, no matter where they reside, no matter what their concerns are.
Therefore, the company will always make the initial attempt to resolve ambiguities, disagreements and disputes out of court by putting itself in the position of the other party, always applying common sense over regularities and conditions, and granting goodwill where we deem it appropriate.
However, we also know that it is necessary to let our partners and customers know where they can dispute if the other side wishes to do so.

• For end consumers applies:
In accordance to the consumer protection the place of jurisdiction can only be in the country in which the end consumer has his habitual residence.
read more about it in the chapters 10. (Dispute resolution) and 11. (place of jurisdiction) of the General Terms and Conditions for End Consumers_EN.

• For commercial customers applies:
Contracts between Gliszen.com and its customers shall be governed exclusively by the laws of Jamaica, excluding the provisions of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).
Read more in chapter 12. (Place of Jurisdiction) of the General Terms and Conditions for Commercial Customers_EN.

• The following applies to distribution partners:
The law of the island state of Jamaica shall apply to the contractual relations between the cooperation partner and the company.
The application of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) is excluded.
Read more in chapter 12. (Place of Jurisdiction & Final Clause) of the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) for distributors (sales partners).

• The following applies to manufacturing partners:
The law of the island state of Jamaica shall apply to the contractual relations between the cooperation partner and the company.
The application of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) is excluded.
Read more in chapter 10. (jurisdiction & final clause) of the General Terms and Conditions for Manufacturer_EN.

• The following applies to cooperating shipping companies:
The law of the island state of Jamaica shall apply to the contractual relations between the cooperation partner and the company.
The application of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) is excluded.
Read more in chapter 14. (Place of jurisdiction & final clause) of the General Terms and Conditions for Shipper_EN.

In any event in which nothing to the contrary has been agreed in writing, the above provisions shall apply.

In your dashboard area you will find a separate setting that allows you to delete your account immediately.
With the confirmation for deletion, all your data are automatically deleted as well.

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