
Cooporate Manufacturer

Career At Gliszen.Com


Are you an entrepreneur with a manufacturing business in fashion and cosmetics and accessories?

Would you like to expand your customer base many times over and enter markets that you do not yet have in mind?

But you don't have the capacity and expertise?

Then contact us and let us convince you that Gliszen.com offers you a real alternative to assert yourself in the highly competitive business and to generate more customers and markets.

Gliszen.com offers you the opportunity to dock your business on our platform and participate in a largely automated process.
But what does this mean in detail?

The following features are waiting for you if you register with us:

• A worldwide network of more than 100 cooperating distributors (number increasing rapidly) helps you to distribute your products.

• When creating an account, you will be provided with a user dashboard, which offers you the most basic functions, such as internal communication with the parties involved in the process.

• Your dashboard gives you the possibility to enter and manage your inventory.

• You always have an overview of your current sales.

• A report informs you about the chronology of your sales, so that you can easily evaluate your own statistics regarding bestsellers and slow sellers, and adjust your further production accordingly.

• You can generate coupons, and thus draw attention to special sales.

• Fully automated processes in the background, such as the handling of logistics with the help of Gliszen.com's cooperating logistics companies, allow you to focus on the essential, namely your production.

• You benefit from our marketing strategies, which are pushed by our IT and marketing department.

• We offer you to participate in occasional events, such as fashion shows, to present your products on other promotional platforms (chargeable).

• Gliszen.com cooperates with various regional and national influencers. And among other things, we offer you a marketing campaign tailored to your needs (chargeable).

• Often the lack of payment options is decisive for customers to abandon / withdraw from a purchase.

• Therefore, the organization offers a variety of local payment methods, so that global clearance of payment methods is ensured.

• You can upgrade your account and get more features, such as customer analytics modules, visitor marketing modules, inquiry and RFQ modules, social media and bulk email modules, all the way to Google advertising integration and other customized marketing tools when you purchase premium status, or respectively VIP status.
Of course, with these rights and privileges come liabilities and obligations.
The most essential and easiest to remember is, to the best of your knowledge and using common sense, do not do anything that will harm Gliszen.com and its ventures.
For further information, please refer to the Gliszen.com Terms and Conditions.
Please read them carefully!
Has this sparked your interest?
Then introduce yourself and tell us about yourself at manufacturer@gliszen.com.

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Ditsy Floral Dress

Color: Gray

1 X $113.88

Total: $113.88



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